Intentional Recognition

Whether you have a brand new employee or one that has been with you for any length of time, it is difficult to overstate the importance of providing regular feedback and recognition. Yet, too many bosses prefer a “no news is good news” approach to employee communication. The idea that people “just know” if they […]

Time for Action

I love doing strategy sessions. I get to hear men and women tell me about their dreams and goals. I work hard to ensure that each person leaves with valuable knowledge and clear steps on how to move forward. Then I watch what happens.   It is easy to be excited about an idea when […]

Dealing with Curve Balls

When my marriage fell apart, the circumstances were traumatizing and stressful. There was a period of about two years when everything in my life was up in the air. I was afraid of what would happen to me. I was angry with my husband for his behavior. I often felt incapacitated and overwhelmed. Needless to […]

Orchestrating Drool Time

I am a person who always has a lot to do. I like it that way. The concept of a 4-hour work week with nothing to do but drink mai tais the rest of the time doesn’t appeal to me – I’d be bored (and finding things to do) within a week. But that doesn’t […]

Better “Work Life Balance”

There is no topic that is as near and dear to people as “work life balance,” but I rarely meet someone who feels they have it figured out. Together we are going to define work life balance and how to achieve it.   When I define balance, I think about two opposite things evening out. […]

An Extra 340 Hours Per Year

Each day starts and you do a task that takes you about 10 minute to complete. Someone suggests you give that task to someone else. You think, “It’s just 10 minutes, it is easier (faster, smarter, better) to just get that done myself.”   If that was your only 10 minute, every-day task, your approach […]

Evaluate Your Focus

Like most of you, I have some time-wasting games on my phone (they keep me from being obnoxious when I have to wait). One, in particular, is a matching-the-colors sort of deal. At the top of the game, it tells you that you need so many of each thing in a certain color. It is […]

How Bad Do You Want It?

I’ve never been the type of person who wanted a personal trainer. Everyone I know who has a personal trainer talks about how much pain they are in all the time. I have pondered more than once why anyone would pay someone to cause them pain on a regular basis. I see them hobbling around, […]

Saying No

When you are a talented person who enjoys being involved in your community, it is likely that people will ask you to be part of all kinds of things. They may ask you to join a committee that is creating networking opportunities. An organization might invite you to serve on a non-profit board or help […]

Expanding Your Network

I’m a member of a Business Networking International (BNI) Chapter. I have been a member for about 8 years, and one of the benefits I’ve received is expanding my network. In fact, when my clients need help finding the right professional for a situation, I usually have a contact for them. This is a valuable […]